Playa del Carmen

When We Say You Can Order ANYTHING, We Truly Mean It 😎

🤔 Imagine you can have anything you want delivered to your home in the most convenient way. Well… now it’s possible with loQsea! No order is odd enough to stop us! 

Here are some of the most unusual orders we’ve received last year! 😅

A last-minute translator to do business 

We understand that being in a city full of new people can be challenging and also really exciting, but sometimes language becomes an obstacle. Our BeeFriend felt the urgency to hire one of our Super-Bees to help him communicate with some local residents he was thinking of doing business with. They didn’t let any cultural barrier get in the way of their negotiation! Awesome, right?

✔ A new fridge

Why go into a store to buy something if you can simply order it, even if it’s a refrigerator? Sometimes buying it from the physical store can take longer than ordering with loQsea and let’s face it when you buy it, you want it now! Our BeeFriend received the refrigerator he wanted in less than 2hs.

✔ Outdoor furniture 

One of our clients wanted to make his vacation home more comfortable and cozy with some lovely outdoor furniture. The best part? His family, friends and guests were all happy about the upgrade and it was a wonderful vacation! 😍

✔ A Christmas tree

Another of our BeeFriends really wanted to celebrate Christmas with a real tree. Almost all trees sold here during Christmas are artificial so it wasn’t easy but we found one and delivered it a couple of hours later. We bet he had a spectacular celebration  🎄

✔ An emergency bathing suit 

A lovely BeeFamily forgot to pack a bathing suit for their youngest daughter and they realized it when they were already at the beach 😬 The beach-day was saved by one of our ShopperBees, when they ordered an adorable yellow bathing suit through 

✔ Someone trustworthy  to deliver  important papers

When we received a request to deliver documents to a notary we knew that our BeeFriends trusted us even with their most important needs. Our client was in a rush and didn’t have transportation, so we helped him get the signatures he needed. We really appreciate his trust in us! 💪 

✔ SOS after-sun lotion 

She really enjoyed her beach day but the next morning… our client was wishing she sat under a palm tree 🌴 No need to go outside and get even more sunburned to reach the pharmacy for some aloe cream! She used our ASAP Delivery and our ShopperBee went to the rescue with some after-sun refreshing lotion

✔ Help for an ill and injured BEEFriend

Actually, it’s not that unusual to receive orders from ill or injured people 😞 Especially since the covid-19 pandemic started we’ve been receiving orders from people who are in quarantine and can’t leave home. Thanks to our BeeShopper-Heroes, and our Zero Contact Delivery we´ve been helping lots of BeeFriends in need. 

These are just some of our latest unusual orders, and we fulfilled them all 💪loQsea is a multi-service platform that delivers anything that you order through our website, even services! 

Why loQsea? 

loQsea allows people to order whatever they want, whenever they want it.

On our website, you’ll be able to choose from categories including Groceries, Restaurants, Chefs and many others. 

We believe that time is our most valuable currency! ⏰ Allow us to help you enjoy your stay in Mexico by saving you time and energy. Remember loQsea means anything (in Spanish) and we truly mean ANYTHING (that is legal, of course!) 

Try us and order whatever is on your mind even if it’s not in our catalog!