Playa del Carmen

7 Increíbles Pueblos Mágicos de México

¿Sabías que los Pueblos Mágicos de México son 132? Estamos seguros que querrás conocerlos, pero tal vez no tienes tiempo suficiente para explorarlos todos o no sabes por dónde empezar! ¡No necesitas de Google! Lo bueno, compartido es mejor, por eso aquí te dejamos nuestra selección de los 7 mejores Pueblos Mágicos de México (un regalo de […]

Playa del Carmen

7 Magical Towns in Mexico that will blow your mind

Did you know there are 132 magical towns in Mexico? We’re aware you’re looking to enjoy a unique experience, but maybe you don’t have enough time to explore all of these remarkable places, or don’t know where to start. Sharing is caring, so here’s our top 7 picks of Mexican Magical Towns (yes, we chose […]

Playa del Carmen

Where to Buy the Perfect Souvenir in the Mexican Caribbean

Cancún, Playa del Carmen and Tulum are not only some of the hottest spots to vacation in the world, they’re also great places to find awesome local gifts.  Who doesn’t want to leave paradise with the perfect souvenir to remember it? There are options for everyone, that’s for sure! Take a look at our vast and […]

Playa del Carmen

When We Say You Can Order ANYTHING, We Truly Mean It 😎

🤔 Imagine you can have anything you want delivered to your home in the most convenient way. Well… now it’s possible with loQsea! No order is odd enough to stop us!  Here are some of the most unusual orders we’ve received last year! 😅 ✔ A last-minute translator to do business  We understand that being […]

Playa del Carmen

Traveling During Coronavirus (COVID-19) to Playa del Carmen, Tulum or Cancun?

Cancun Airport Never Closed So why did tourism drop so drastically after the Coronavirus (COVID-19) hit Playa del Carmen, Tulum & Cancun? Most flights arriving were cargo flights with supplies, or emergency flights focused on getting people back home. Mexico is not included in the list of countries that are allowed to travel to the […]

Playa del Carmen

¿Viajando Durante el Coronavirus (COVID-19) a Playa del Carmen, Tulum o Cancún?

El Aeropuerto de Cancún Nunca Cerró Entonces, ¿Por qué el turismo disminuyó drásticamente después de que el Coronavirus (COVID-19) llegara a Playa del Carmen, Tulum y Cancún? La gran mayoría de los vuelos eran de cargo transportando suministros o eran vuelos de emergencia enfocados en repatriar a las personas a sus países de origen. Actualmente […]