Playa del Carmen

So, what’s going on Post-Quarantine in Playa?

Post-Quarantine life will definitely be one of the most interesting experiments that our generations will face. It looks like this will not be the end of our social-commercial model (at least for the time being), but the general consensus is that things will be different from now on. However, this does not have to be something negative; as a matter of fact, many believe that, from the consumer’s perspective, most will benefit from this situation (keep reading, more on this later!).


Mexico’s reopening is guided by, what the government calls, a “Traffic Light” system, which is nothing more than coloring the different States in Red, Orange, Yellow, or Green; each color with its own set of rules and regulations. This colorful map starts with each State being “Red” for the first week Post-Quarantine and is updated weekly depending on the evolution of the pandemic.


Fortunately for Tourism, QROO took this situation in its own hand and created a modified set of rules based on the nation’s reopening protocol. We included Tourism Activities as a necessity; and we also divided our state into two parts: North (Cancun-PDC-Tulum, etc.) starting with “Orange” rules, and South (Bacalar-Chetumal, etc) starting with “Red” rules.

Why? It looks like, although the epicenter of the pandemic in the QROO-State was in the North, this was also the area that stabilized the fastest and currently has a lower transmission rate than the South.

These are great news for Tourism in general! For one, Mexico was not hit hard by the pandemic (not like Brasil, Spain, or Italy anyway), which makes it an ideal place for anyone thinking of traveling somewhere to re-energize under a palm tree with a Margarita! As a matter of fact, Cancun was one of the first cities to obtain the certification of #SafeTravels from the WTTC! (World Travel & Tourism Council)

Like I said at the beginning, this brings tons of opportunities, and in our next article, we will tell you about what’s specifically going on with Flights, Hotels, Beaches and Local Attractions!

Even if you do decide to leave your home, take this time to reconnect with the things you enjoy most and leave the shopping to us. Our Restaurant Delivery Service is officially launched, and we also have your grocery needs covered as usual.

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