Playa del Carmen

Small Acts of Kindness

Did you know that small acts of kindness can boost your mood and make you feel amazing?

That’s right! Being kind can help reduce stress hormone levels in our bodies. In other words: We feel better by giving and being kind to others. Imagine NO more bad karma in your life 🙌🏻

It’s a win-win for everyone. The smallest gesture can make someone else’s day.


Here’s a list of ways you can spread kindness and be the hero of the day!

💡 Tip: Read until the end and get the full list we’ve put together for you!

With the world 🌎
  1. 🐝 Get a warm meal for someone in need.
  2. 🐝 Help someone in need by buying their groceries.
  3. Let a stranger cut in front of you in line.
  4. Pick up trash from the street/beach.
  5. Plant a tree.
  6. Switch seats so people traveling with each other can sit together.
  7. Offer to return a stranger’s grocery cart to the front of the store.
  8. Hand out cold water bottles to people working outside on a hot day.
  9. Give an unexpected and respectful compliment to a stranger.
Within your Community 🐶🏘
  1. 🐝 Donate to a charity.
  2. 🐝 Give old blankets, sheets and towels to an animal shelter.
  3. 🐝 Walk, cuddle, play with animals at a local shelter.
  4. Do a deep house cleaning and donate any items in good state to your local charity or people in need.
  5. Find a local organization who works with people in need and teach a new skill (language, writing/reading, handcrafts etc.)
  6. Take stray dogs/cats of your neighborhood for a vet check up and sterilization.
  7. Foster a dog/cat in need and find them a forever home.
  8. Exchange your recyclables for a native plant at Playa del Carmen’s Kilo Verde Program.
At work 👨🏻‍💻
  1. 🐝 Send a coffee to one of your colleagues.
  2. Tell your boss one thing you admire about him/her.
  3. Compliment a co-worker (and let your boss know about their awesome work).
  4. Share your knowledge and time.
  5. Tell a joke to lighten the mood when a co-worker is handling a tough assignment.
With the people you love 💚
  1. 🐝 Send a small gift letting them know you appreciate them.
  2. Be on time.
  3. Call your mom or dad just to say ‘I love you’.
  4. Forgive someone who has wronged you.
  5. Give a friend a book you think they would like.
  6. Send a simple text our audio letting them know you’re thinking about them.
For loQsea 🐝
  1. Take some time to write a great review on our Facebook Page and/or Google!
  2. Leave a positive comment on this post.
  3. Recommend us!
  4. Follow us to hear our news and promos!

🎁 Click here and get inspired with this list of “Kind Actions” to enjoy an incredible Karma! 🎁

Don’t forget WHO´S the most important person you should be kind to: YOU!

Let us help you free some time, so you can spend it doing all the things you love: YOU DESERVE IT!