Playa del Carmen

Our 6 Pro-Tips to Become a Conscious Traveler and Celebrate International Tourism Day

September 27th is International Tourism Day and its purpose is to increase awareness on the importance of this industry and its social, cultural, political and economic effects in the whole world.

Tourism itself employs one of every ten people, providing livelihood to hundreds of millions of people. Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic had a massive impact on this sector. Developed, but especially developing economies, have been harshly hit. Now more than ever, we need to encourage conscious tourism and its benefits! Encouraging xa sustainable way of traveling helps the world, the local population, the environment… everyone 😌

So… here are some easy ideas on how to be a more conscious traveler: 
1) Learn about the country you’re visiting

Educate yourself on the places you visit, not only to show respect towards its inhabitants, but also for your safety and comfort. It is likely that the rules that apply at home don’t necessarily apply in the rest of the world. 

Be aware of local traditions and customs, this will guarantee more fun for you and the chance to make even more local friends. Getting to know the place like a local should be the end goal and a means to master your trip 😉

2) Stay, Shop and Eat local 

Many hotels, restaurants, and shopping chains are not locally owned and it’s important to keep that in mind. You’ll be making a big difference if you choose to support small shops and local businesses instead of buying at big international chains where you’ll be just “another” customer 😔

For your stay, book a locally managed hotel or vacation rental. You’ll definitely find excellent places and even eco-friendly options. We’re currently working on a modern All Inclusive Vacation Rental Platform that will change the way you book your holidays. Try the Beta Version of our All-Inclusive Platform Here! 

For restaurants and groceries, choose local businesses! They will have the best menu options on traditional fresh food. Remember to also take advantage of local delivery companies! You can order on our website from any shop and any restaurant in the Riviera Maya! 

If you’re planning to try some exotic and traditional dishes, it is always a good idea to hire a private chef  to prepare some delicious typical and fresh food.

3) Book certified and eco-friendly tours 

The idea of swimming with free turtles in the sea, or enjoying some snorkeling at the reef is very appealing and everyone should do it at least once in a lifetime, but… it’s also a dangerous and invasive activity for local flora and fauna if we are not respectful of the environment and its inhabitants.

It is VERY IMPORTANT that you choose certified and environmentally conscious local tours for this kind of activities. Some companies offer not certified massive tours that are not truly respectful of the environment. If we want to keep on enjoying nature and wildlife we need to take care of it. 

If you research a little with the locals you may even find some awesome off the beaten path places to visit with a private guide. Our new platform will be your local help, allowing you to ask for ANY TOUR your want! Amazing right?! But first… it would really help us if you could give us your feedback. We want to tailor our new project exactly to your liking and needs!

4) Bike or use public transport

Trying to reduce our carbon footprint is a practice that everyone should try, and since you’ll probably have to take a flight to reach your final destination, a little extra effort once you’re there could contribute a lot! 

For short distances, you can always walk, bike or use public transportation. This will not only reduce your impact on the environment but also give you the chance to get to know a different side of the place you are visiting. Most cities of the Riviera Maya have accessible bike-rental shops!

5) Reduce the use of plastic  

It is very common to increase the use of plastic while vacationing since most food containers and packages that restaurants and shops provide are sadly not reusable.

As an example, try to always have with you a reusable shopping bag, water bottle, coffee cup,  and cutlery! If you don’t have any of these items you can always order them online and we’ll deliver them to your door! 

6) Respect the environment and its inhabitants

Last but not least, and this may seem like an obvious point but sadly it is not,… keep in mind to truly respect the natural environment around you, do not leave any garbage behind, don’t take natural objects such as pieces of reef or starfishes. Only engage in ethical animal and eco-tourism, don’t disturb the local wildlife or pay to have pictures taken with unethically held animals. You can even participate in beach clean-ups and local nature preservation activities if you feel extra motivated. There is always a way of contributing!

🐝 is a platform that is fully committed to promoting conscious traveling 🌱

This is why we donate 10% of our online tips to non-profit organizations in our area. People from all over the world can also directly donate to any of these organizations through our website. There’s nothing more important than to keep the place we live at, our community and the tourist that arrive, happy and healthy 💚

We hope these 6 suggestions encouraged you to be even more conscious when traveling to our beautiful Mexican Caribbean. We’ll all benefit from it! ✈️